Baptism Service: The contribution to the Church on the day is $750; it is traditionally paid by the godparent. Baptism Certificate: The Baptism Certificate is issued by the priest after the baptism service. The fee for a Baptism Certificate is: $250.
Baptism Certificate Copy: For a copy of a Baptism Certificate, please contact us using this form. The priest will retrieve the baptism details from the parish Baptism Registry Book and will print a copy of the Baptism Certificate. The fee for a Baptism Certificate Copy is: $200.
Celibacy Certificate: To obtain your Celibacy Certificate for a wedding in Australia, you must meet with your parish priest, having with you your Baptism Certificate and two witnesses (witnesses are adult relatives or friends). Please contact us to arrange a meeting. The fee is: $150.
The following fees are to be paid on the day you lodge your paperwork: Civil Marriage Paperwork & Certificate: The fee for registry paperwork is: $200. Archdiocese Wedding Certificate: The Wedding Certificate is issued by the parish priest, which will be presented after the wedding service. The fee for a Wedding Certificate is: $500.
Wedding Service: The contribution to the Church on your Wedding Day is $800; it is traditionally paid by the Best Man or Maid/Matron of Honour.
Wedding Certificate Copy: For a copy of a Wedding Certificateplease contact the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. The fee for a Wedding Certificate Copy is: $200.
Ecclesiastical Divorce: To receive an Ecclesiastical Divorce you must first meet with your parish priest. Together with the priest, you will fill the divorce application form which will be sent with the civil Divorce Certificate, to the Archdiocese office. Please contact us to arrange a meeting. The fee for an Ecclesiastical Divorce is: $500. If both parties require an Ecclesiastical Divorce, fee is $500 each.
Ecclesiastical Divorce Copy: For a copy of an Ecclesiastical Divorce please contact the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. The fee for an Ecclesiastical Divorce Copy is: $250.
Paid through Funeral Directors Funeral Service: Church fee is $650 Certificate of Death and Funeral Service: The Certificate of Death and Funeral Service is issued by the priest after the burial of a loved one. The certificate confirms the death, the funeral and burial of an Orthodox Christian and enters their name in the death register of the Archdiocese. The fee for the certificate is $250.
Memorial Service
You can order Koliva (boiled wheat) and a memorial service from our online store. Cost is $50